Author: Michael Greer
This notebook discusses collision avoidance using nullspace motion.
Notebook is based on this paper.
As discussed in a prior notebook, the null space can be used to reconfigure a manipulator without generating any end effector velocity. We can use null space motion to satisfy a task-space target while avoiding collision between the arm and obstacles in the space.
In this notebook, the obstacles are modelled as circles in the 2-D plane. Any shape of obstacles could be used, as long as the closest point on both the obstacle and the manipulator can be computed.
In this notebook, the closest point on the manipulator to a circle is calculated, and the associated distance vector is used to move that closest point away from the obstacle.
import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin, pi
from scipy.linalg import null_space
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sp
We reuse the plotting system from the previous notebooks, adding ways to plot circular obstacles in the space.
def plot_robot(links, joints, circles, plot_distances=False):
# Convert to list if it's an ndarray
if (isinstance(joints, np.ndarray)):
joints = joints.flatten().tolist()
total_len = sum(links)
xs, ys = robot_lines(links, joints)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_aspect( 1 )
ax.set_xlim((-1 * total_len, total_len))
ax.set_ylim((-1 * total_len, total_len))
plt.plot(xs, ys)
for c in circles:
circle = plt.Circle(, c.radius, color='r', fill=False)
if (plot_distances):
mindist = 1e15
minpoints = []
for i in range(1, len(xs)):
p1, p2 = c.closest_points(np.array([xs[i-1], ys[i-1]]), np.array([xs[i], ys[i]]))
dist = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
if (dist < mindist):
mindist = dist
minpoints = [p1, p2]
plt.plot([minpoints[0][0], minpoints[1][0]], [minpoints[0][1], minpoints[1][1]], color='r')
plt.title('Robot Manipulator Pose')
# Returns a list of all of the points defining the joints of the robot on the plane
def robot_lines(links, joints):
if (isinstance(joints, np.ndarray)):
joints = joints.flatten().tolist()
if (isinstance(links, np.ndarray)):
links = links.flatten().tolist()
xs = [0]
ys = [0]
total_q = 0
for l,q in zip(links, joints):
total_q += q
xs.append(xs[-1] + l * cos(total_q))
ys.append(ys[-1] + l * sin(total_q))
return xs, ys
We need a way to represent circles and find the vectors from arm links to the boundary of the circle.
class Circle:
radius = 0
center = 0
def __init__(self, center, radius): = center
self.radius = radius
# Returns the points on the line segment and circle that are closest together
# Line segment runs between l1 and l2
def closest_points(self, l1, l2):
# find closest distance between line and center of the circle
length_squared = (l2 - l1) @ (l2 - l1)
t = max(0, min(1, ( - l1) @ (l2 - l1) / length_squared))
line_point = l1 + t * (l2 - l1)
distance = np.linalg.norm(line_point -
circle_point = + (line_point - * (self.radius / distance)
return (line_point, circle_point)
obs = []
obs.append(Circle(np.array([8, 10]), 1))
obs.append(Circle(np.array([6, -2]), 1))
plot_robot([5, 5, 5], [0, pi/2, -pi/2], obs, plot_distances = True)
We use the same functions for these as previous solutions
def f_kine(links, joints):
# Convert to list if it's an ndarray
if (isinstance(joints, np.ndarray)):
joints = joints.flatten().tolist()
x = 0
y = 0
total_len = sum(links)
total_q = 0
for l,q in zip(links, joints):
total_q += q
x += l * cos(total_q)
y += l * sin(total_q)
return np.array([[x],[y]])
def jacobian(links, joints):
# Convert to list if it's an ndarray
if (isinstance(joints, np.ndarray)):
joints = joints.flatten().tolist()
# Form symbolic q matrix
qs = []
for i in range(0,len(joints)):
jac = np.zeros((2, len(links)))
x = 0
y = 0
# Form forward kinematics
for i in range(len(links)):
total_q = 0
for j in range(i + 1):
total_q += qs[j]
x += links[i] * sp.cos(total_q)
y += links[i] * sp.sin(total_q)
# Differentiate to find jacobian
for i in range(len(links)):
Jx = sp.diff(x, qs[i])
Jy = sp.diff(y, qs[i])
for k in range(len(links)):
Jx = Jx.subs(qs[k], joints[k])
Jy = Jy.subs(qs[k], joints[k])
jac[0,i] = Jx.evalf()
jac[1,i] = Jy.evalf()
return jac
When a Jacobian is typically discussed, it relates the joint velocity to the end effector velocity. However, a Jacobian can be calculated to relate the joint velocity to any arbitrary point on the manipulator. For collision avoidance, we need to be able to get the Jacobian of the closest point to an obstacle with respect to the joints. To accomplish this, we construct a "sub-manipulator" that contains only the links up to the point specified. We then pass this manipulator to the original Jacobian function.
def jacobian_point(links, joints, point):
# Convert to list if it's an ndarray
if (isinstance(joints, np.ndarray)):
joints = joints.flatten().tolist()
newlinks = []
newjoints = []
xs, ys = robot_lines(links, joints)
pointfound = False
for i in range(1, len(xs)):
l1 = np.array([xs[i-1], ys[i-1]])
l2 = np.array([xs[i], ys[i]])
length_squared = (l2 - l1) @ (l2 - l1)
t = max(0, min(1, (point - l1) @ (l2 - l1) / length_squared))
line_point = l1 + t * (l2 - l1)
if (np.linalg.norm(line_point - point) < 0.0001):
#print(line_point, point)
newlinks.append(links[i-1] * t)
pointfound = True
if (not pointfound): return 0
jac = jacobian(newlinks, newjoints)
full_jac = np.zeros((2, len(joints)))
full_jac[:,0:jac.shape[1]] = jac
#print(newlinks, newjoints)
return full_jac
For the inverse kinematics we not only want to satisfy the target constraint, but also avoid hitting targets with the arm itself. To do this, we find the closest points of the arm to each obstacle, then move the arm in the nullspace to keep that closest point from hitting the obstacle. Note that we not only move the arm to avoid the obstacle, but add an extra term to counteract the movement caused by the end effector moving towards the target.
Note that large movements of the arm could cause intersection with an obstacle that was not the closest at the time of evaluation for that step, so we limit the maximum move towards the target.
# Note: this ONLY works for targets within the workspace. For points outside the workspace this function will not exit
def i_kine_obs(links, joints, target, obstacles, avoid_gain=1, error_trace=False):
current_q = joints
# This term limits the maximum delta x per move
max_move = 0.1
e_trace = []
d_trace = []
count = 0
count += 1
# Get the current end effector position
current_x = f_kine(links, current_q)
# Get the vector to the target
delta_x = target - current_x
# Find the magnitude of the movement required
delta_x_norm = np.linalg.norm(delta_x)
# Limit the maximum magnitude of delta_x
if (delta_x_norm > max_move):
delta_x /= (delta_x_norm / max_move)
# Stop if the end effector is sufficently close to target
if (delta_x_norm < 0.001):
# Find the obstacle avoidance data
xs, ys = robot_lines(links, joints)
minpointscircles = []
mindistcircles = 1e15
# Check the distance to each of the circles and save the closest points
for c in obstacles:
mindist = 1e15
minpoints = []
for i in range(1, len(xs)):
p1, p2 = c.closest_points(np.array([xs[i-1], ys[i-1]]), np.array([xs[i], ys[i]]))
dist = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
if (dist < mindist):
mindist = dist
minpoints = [p1, p2]
if (mindist < mindistcircles):
mindistcircles = mindist
minpointscircles = minpoints
# Find the Jacobian of a certain point along the manipulator
jac_obs = jacobian_point(links, joints, minpointscircles[0])
avoid_vec = minpointscircles[0] - minpointscircles[1]
avoid_norm = np.linalg.norm(avoid_vec)
# Avoidance vector needs to be of unit length
avoid_vec = avoid_vec/(avoid_norm)
avoid_vec = avoid_vec.reshape((-1,1))
# Find the required movements in the joint space
# Gain is based on distance from the nearest obstacle
# Scales up as distance gets closer
alpha = 0.05
beta = avoid_gain / (mindistcircles)
jac = jacobian(links, current_q)
jac_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(jac)
jac_obs_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(jac_obs)
# Formula found in relevant paper
A = jac_pinv @ delta_x
B = np.linalg.pinv(jac_obs @ (np.eye(len(joints)) - jac_pinv @ jac))
C = beta * avoid_vec - jac_obs @ jac_pinv @ delta_x
# If the B matrix is singular, the pseudoinverse will be huge. We will check for this and not use it
if (np.linalg.norm(B) > 1e10): alpha = 0
# Equation from relevant paper
delta_q = A + alpha * B @ C
# Add the change to find the updated joint angles
current_q += delta_q
if (count > 500):
print("Maximum iteration reached")
return (current_q, e_trace, d_trace) if error_trace else current_q
Now that we have all of that written, let's test it out! First, let's see what happens if we set the avoidance gain to zero. We can see below that the robot is very clearly in collision with the circle. The proximity plot is a bit misleading since distance is not tracked properly when the line is in collision. But, we can see that the distance to an obstacle drops to zero right after iteration starts.
links = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
joints = np.array([[0.2],[-0.4],[0.2]])
target = np.array([[20.0],[10.0]])
obs = [Circle(np.array([12, 8]), 5), Circle(np.array([15, -4]), 2)]
#plot_robot(links, joints, obs, plot_distances = True)
joints, e_trace, d_trace = i_kine_obs(links, joints, target, obs, avoid_gain=0, error_trace=True)
plot_robot(links, joints, obs, plot_distances = True)
plt.title('Error Trace')
plt.title('Proximity Trace')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Proximity Trace')
In comparison, the solution below was found with the avoidance gain set to one. While the arm does get close to the obstacle, it never comes in contact (as shown in the proximity plot).
links = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
joints = np.array([[0.2],[-0.4],[0.2]])
target = np.array([[20.0],[10.0]])
obs = [Circle(np.array([12, 8]), 5), Circle(np.array([15, -4]), 2)]
#plot_robot(links, joints, obs, plot_distances = True)
joints, e_trace, d_trace = i_kine_obs(links, joints, target, obs, error_trace=True)
plot_robot(links, joints, obs, plot_distances = True)
plt.title('Error Trace')
plt.title('Proximity Trace')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Proximity Trace')
It's important to note that this is probably the simplest possible implementation of collision avoidance using this method. Even the original paper has a more advanced avoidance system that ramps up the avoidance gain as the distance to an obstacle decreases. Other methods use multiple push vectors from multiple obstacles to create a more holistic avoidance method.